
Monday, January 20, 2014

Becoming an Adult Student


Shopping for online colleges are tough! You cant touch, feel, or see what exactly you are getting yourself into. Its more of having an imagination and trusting what you have researched and have been told about the place. 

With the birth of my last child and the decision to be a stay at home mom with all three kiddos to avoid having to pay a ridiculous amount of money for someone else to watch them, I am using this time to enroll myself back into school. I am not that old, but even as an adult, I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. Silly, right?

Ever since I was in early elementary school I have always wanted to be a teacher as my adult profession. When it came time for graduation I finally realized why I was so obsessed with this thought. I never knew anything other than school, and the thought of the real world scared the begeezus out of me. I like the routine that was expected of me. I liked knowing what my all day everyday was going to be like without having to think about what might be next. 

Since leaving school and not following through with college after high school, it was tough! However a number of years later I have found my nitch and am not so afraid of the real world. But trying to reverse to get back into school is now the scary thought. I am completely blind and don't know what I am doing anymore. Can I really take on this new adventure among all my other adventures I am currently taking on? 

The reality of it all is, yes I can take it on. There is no better time than now. I just have to locate and apply my big girl panties and just man up to doing what will benefit my family, and myself in the future. Even though staying home is the right thing to do for my family, I cant help but feel bad that now my hunny is the sole financial provider. I mean what stress that is going to add to our house! I hope that by going back to school it will help out my family, not only in the long run, but in the present too. But how will I know without trying? I feel like a toddler learning how to walk again. I guess in that sense, I am right along side my little ones and we are all learning together. 


  1. I know that you will be successful... You've never failed at anything that you've done and you have an amazing support system in your little ones, in Aaron, your whole family, and of course in me. <3
